October 25th 2021, by Calvin Cooper

AccountingExcellence is one of the most prestigious awards ceremonies for the UK accounting industry. This year, just 3 years after we started this firm, we were delighted to be shortlisted as one of the finalists for ‘Sole Practitioner of the Year’.

This was recognition for the growth we’ve achieved in a short space of time, the ways in which we helped clients through COVID, and for some of the less traditional services which we provide!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m very, very competitive. Although we would have obviously loved to, we didn’t manage to scoop up the main prize this year.

And, as I’ve said before, whilst we were included in the Sole Practitioner category – meaning a firm owned by one individual – everything we do is far from a solo effort!

This shortlisting was recognition for everything our team does, collectively.

And for that, I extend my thanks, and ongoing pride in what we’re achieving as a team unit. To have gotten this far in 3 short years of being in business is something I’m very proud of.

More than just the Awards

The trip was about more than just the prize itself though. It was also a chance for us to meet a range of other firms – many of whom we’ve gotten to know very well (but only online) – since COVID began.

The way in which the accounting industry has rallied round since March 2020 has been incredible. This was very clear when hearing the reasons for other nominations throughout the Awards evening.

But this rallying has extended further than just with each firm and their own respective clients. We’ve been supporting one another too.

Since March last year, I’ve been part of regular (sometimes weekly) Zoom calls with other firm owners across the UK. We all share best practice, learn from one another, and talk openly about how we can best-help our clients, and therefore the wider business economy.

Previously, firms would have kept their cards quite close to their chest; each not wanting to give away their ‘recipe for success’.

But COVID has thankfully changed all that. We’re all now much more open.

This hugely positive shift in mindset can only serve to benefit all of our clients, and businesses in general, as all firms are having to up their game; thankfully, clients are no longer settling for ‘that’s how it’s always been done’.

Well worth it!

It was a phenomenal evening. We met some incredible people. And the very generous hospitality meant everyone was in great form (some stuff stays off this blog)!

When the hangover clears though, we’ve been left with a load of inspiration for what we’ll be looking to do and achieve over the next few months and years.

One thing’s for sure; we will be back!

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The Old Library, 8 Laing Street, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NW
