July 7th 2020, by Charys Harvey

Current Coronavirus Support Scheme Deadlines

As things start return to some sort of “normal”, some of the support schemes, which have been set up to help with the challenges which Covid-19 has created, now have deadlines for new applications to the schemes.


1. Newly self-employed hardship fund

This is a scheme which is there to support those who have become self-employed since 6 April 2019 and are facing hardship due to Coronavirus. If this applies to you, you may be eligible for a £2,000 grant which you need to apply for through your Local Authority. You can find a list of the individual Local Authority links here.

Applications for this scheme must be made no later than 10 July.

2. Coronavirus business support grants

Local authorities are offering grants to help with the impact of Covid-19 on your business. The criteria to be eligible for this support has changed from when it was first introduced so if you didn’t qualify before it is worth double checking the requirements to see if you can now apply.

You should apply for this grant directly to your Local Authority, a list of the Local Authority links can be found here - under Coronavirus business support grants (via Local Authorities).

Applications for this scheme must be submitted to your Local Authority no later than 10 July.

3. Bed and Breakfast hardship fund

The aim of this fund is to support certain B&B and other Small Serviced Accommodation businesses who haven’t been able to access support through other schemes. This is now open to those operating through a personal or a business bank account. If you are successful you will receive a one-off payment of £3,000.

Applications are being administered through your Local Authority, a list of the local applications can be found here.

No new applications will be accepted by this scheme after 10 July.


Self-employment Income Support Scheme

This scheme is there to support those who are self-employed, including a member of a partnership, and whose income has been negatively impacted by Covid-19. If you are eligible HMRC will have contacted you directly with guidance on how to apply.

This scheme has been extended and a second and final grant with be available to be claimed from August 2020.

The first claim in this scheme must be made on or before 13 July. You can use this link to claim.

If you require guidance on preparing an application for any of the support available, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to assist.

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