July 27th 2022, by Calvin Cooper

Let's start with the employees

1. My role with in the business is...

2. Average hours I work per week...

3. I've worked at this business for...

4. I enjoy working here more now than I did pre-COVID

5. The thing which changed the most since COVID was…

6. I feel encouraged to share my ideas on better ways of doing things...

7. My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment and satisfaction

8. My contribution to the company is recognised and appreciated

9. At my work I have room to grow and learn new skills

10. I’m proud to be part of this company

11. I’m clear on the future direction of our organisation

12. I have a great work/life balance

13. I am happy with my team’s communication

14. I am happy with the workplace culture

15. I see myself working here in 5 years?

16. The best part(s) about my job is/are…

17. If you were in your employer's shoes, what 3 things would you change to make working here better?

18. And finally, as an employee, what 3 things could you do to make working here better for yourself and your colleagues?

And now, time for the business owners...

1. Our organisation employs:

2. Our team are more engaged in their work now, than they were prior to COVID.

3. Recruitment is more difficult now, than it was before COVID?

4. Our staff and potential recruits are primarily motivated by financial reward?

5. The main reason staff leave is due to being offered more money elsewhere?

6. I work more hours each week now than I did pre-COVID?

7. I have a clear understanding of the values which our ideal team members should possess?

8. In relation to the local competitive market, I believe our staff are remunerated:

9. I enjoy the culture within our business?

10. The organisation’s culture is better now than it was before COVID?

11. Our culture encourages openness, vulnerability, and discussions around mental health?

12. We actively seek opinions from our team on how to improve our organisation?

13. We actively recognise and praise the contribution of our staff?

18. If our business had more money, I’d…

Go to next section

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The Old Library, 8 Laing Street, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NW
