Where it began...
When Diane and I first sat down over a coffee, dreaming up the embryonic plans for what would become The Flywheel Collective; little did we know where the journey would take us!
With the first cohort complete, and the second about to open for applications, we took a second to reflect on some of our key learnings so far!
Size doesn’t matter
The initial idea was that TFC would suit businesses with a 2-5 in their team (perhaps up to 10). Businesses who were ambitious, growing, but didn’t yet merit the full one-to-one bespoke strategic and financial services which our firm typically offers.
However, when we opened the doors to the first cohort, we had businesses with as few as 3, and those with a team of 80+! Initially, we were concerned that their needs and requirements would be too different, and it would be difficult for us to pitch the course at a level which was relevant to everyone. But we like a challenge!
And what did we find?
Everyone’s facing the same issues.
Yup, regardless of size, industry, or stage of business, every participant was facing similar strains and stresses, financial roadblocks, and personnel issues. Whilst the numbers involved were bigger for the larger businesses, the impact being felt by the businesses was similar at every stage of the growth journey.
Relative to our size, we’re all feeling the same stresses.
In fact, this was one of the nicest takeaways from the group. By having all these businesses around the same table, everyone was able to share experiences, share advice, and gain comfort that they’re not facing their journey alone.
Everyone’s different
While we talk about people facing a similar journey; it’s equally true that each person is unique.
We knew this from the outset, so it’s maybe not a key learning from the TFC process alone. But during developing the sessions for TFC, we really did have to ensure we were presenting the topics in a manner which would ‘click’ with each individual in the room, and be relevant to them and their business.
Some really clicked with numbers presented as standard numbers. For others, the very sight of standard numbers caused them to shiver. We had to find more visual ways to communicate these points, and find something that worked for them.
In turn, this has become key in what we now do with our clients. The points we’re trying to communicate remain the same, but unless we find a way to communicate that point in a way which the recipient understands and can take ownership of; we haven’t communicated anything at all.
We had to really take the time to tune in to each attendee, and through some careful variances in the explanations, between Diane and I, ensure we found the right way to get the message across.

The theory is fine; it’s the ‘how’ that matters
Plenty courses offer loads of wonderful theory. It’s good stuff, and it does have the potential to help your business.
However, without truly understanding the ‘how’ of putting the theory into action, it’s a bit worthless!
Personally, it would annoy me being on the receiving end of all this hollow-theory. So from the outset, we were keen that any theory was followed up by some solid discussions or breakdown of how to make it real!
However, rather than it just being reliant on us delivering this; the group, once again, really came into their own here. The passionate discussions which broke out often boiled down how the group would tackle the issue, and left the question-asker with a clearer path forward.
There were numerous occasions of how people took a concept from one session, and had actually put it into practice by the next session. This clarity, combined with group accountability, meant that real traction could be made.
And that was a pretty cool thing to be part of.
Communication is key!
Communication was one of the first topics covered during our sessions together and it was one we can back to time and time again. It was fantastic to see the awareness and broadened thinking everyone had gained around this topic, and it was a joy to hear the shared stories of how this was being implemented effectively and frequently by so many.
It was also a pleasure to watch the group listen to each other and take a genuine, supportive interest in offering guidance to each other, drawing from their own experiences. This was for me, was one of the absolute highlights from bringing the group together, the Collective.
Confidence and passion
As time progressed through the programme it was clear to see the confidence grow in the group. The passion and the “why” blossomed and you could feel the momentum and desire to keep going and growing!
What more could we ask for?!
Being there in-person matters
Online webinars are great for many things, but there’s nothing quite like all being in a room together, face-to-face, with a bunch of like-minded people.
The Flywheel Collective was never just about chatting through some nice businessy theory.
It was about delving into what’s important to people, helping people understand how they can shape a business that works for them and their team, and creating a sense of community between business owners.
The word ‘Collective’ is in our name for good reason.
I was concerned that people might find it hard to open up. Orkney’s a small community, and people are, understandably, quite reserved. But very quickly – even just after a couple of sessions – we could see the bonds the group were forming, and the honesty people were bringing to the table.
The monthly sessions became an outlet for honesty and vulnerability, question-asking problem solving, ownership and empowerment….and a whole load of laughter!
And on those final points, for me personally, the first cohort was a triumph. We couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of individuals, and I’m incredibly grateful for the Collective they have become.
Interested in a future round?
We’re going to be running this again. To register your interest, and to become part of the gang, click here, and we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop!