We’ve all seen it, the Dragons’ Den pitch in which the business is going to make the owners and prospective investors a great fortune in a very short space of time.

Optimism is a wonderful thing, and is probably a factor which drives you and your business forward. Yet when it comes to securing external investment, it is something which banks, grant funders and investors take a more reserved view of.

we work with you to find the best possible solution to move forward

Cash flow forecasting has much wider application than simply for startups and businesses seeking investment, it's a fundamental tool in allowing you to understand what lies ahead.

This then forms the foundation for your business decisions, and acts as a blueprint against which you can compare your performance.

Knowledge is power - let's put you in control

By getting us involved with the preparation of your forecasts at an early stage, we can work with you to get to the bottom of your assumptions. We’ll build the figures, stress-test them to see what impact any unexpected changes might have, and work with you to find the best possible solution to move forward.

Having this certainty over the impact of each option available to you gives you the comfort of knowing the potential outcomes, identifying any potential issues before they arise, and ultimately allows you to make well educated, successful decisions.

See Who We've Helped Through Cashflow Forecasting

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The Old Library, 8 Laing Street, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NW


The Old Library, 8 Laing Street, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NW
